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  • Writer's pictureNadiaDenysschen

The Job Offer

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

Do you enjoy your job? Really? You love it? That's impressive. If the answer is no then read this article and watch the video that comes along.

Enjoying your job might seem irrelevant to most people who are desperate enough but it is essential. If you don't enjoy your job then you are actually wasting your life away on fruitless toil just for the sake of staying alive.

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life ~ Confucius

Your job takes up 70% of your life. 70% is not a small number. That is most of your time. If you spend most of your time doing something you don't enjoy you will get nowhere real fast.

Chances are, you will probably lose complete interest in your job and quit. Either that or your boss might just find someone who is more enthusiastic about their job and you'll be back to square one.

A little bit of enthusiasm goes a long way. Think of all the things done better when you are willing to spend extra time on them. Generally, when doing something you don't enjoy, people tend to try to get it done faster and sometimes forget to go over the finer details. Enthusiasm will have you checking each and every minor detail over and over again just to make sure that your love for the job is portrayed every step of the way.

If you really need the job (#desperate) then the way to go is to find something that you like in your job. Watch the video above for some assistance and try to focus on the positive.

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