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  • Writer's pictureNadiaDenysschen

The Miracle Morning

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

How does your morning start? Debating with myself on the fact that early mornings should be outlawed was my morning routine.

Note the "was". How did it stop? I found the miracle morning routine. This routine is absolutely lifechanging. Even though

it involves getting up extra early. (An hour early isn't too bad)Everything about anything looks way more positive.

Impossible you say? Try it and see. Here's how:

life is getting up an hour early to live an hour more ~ unknown

Silence before the storm: Quiet time

A little bit of me time goes a long way. You start your day being in control of your day. In your quiet time you can plan out your day, align your thoughts with your planning and you can journal.

Journaling helps to keep your mind clear and your thoughts positive. If you feel that journaling is not your thing then try coloring or watching nature. Coloring is not only for children. Today you get new coloring books that offer therapeutic challenges for even adults.

Watching nature is just as therapeutic. I know this from personal experience. On a 2 week stay in a friend's flat overlooking the sea I got the chance to watch the whales breaching and fluking. That is why I try to journal and watch nature at the same time.

Many times thoughts have come to mind, realisations have developed. Things that have affected me and altered my opinion on certain things. Just those few moments of sitting down, taking a moment to catch your breath and enjoy what is in fact an everyday part of life but often missed.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy ~ Marcus Aurelius
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